Floarida Lie Detection Expert


Criminal Justice Associates provides a Full Range of Lie Detection – Truth Verification Services in major Florida cities to include Orlando FL, Fort Lauderdale FL, West Palm Beach FL, Tampa FL, Clearwater FL, Kissimmee FL, Celebration/Disney World FL, Jacksonville FL and other cities. Below is a brief summary of what we offer. More detailed information to include videos are also included on this page and others on this website.

We use Computerized Polygraph, VIPRE VSA (Voice Stress Analyzers) VIPRE and the Converus Eye Detect Systems. These (3) Credibility Assessment Technologies are the primary ones used in lie detection – truth verification examinations in the industry today. Each system has unique advantages.
Our firm also provides specialized interviewing services for a wide range of applications that does not involve the use of any of the three devices mentioned in this section. Examples would be interviewing employees concerning sexual harassment or hostile workplace issues, problems with certain customers or vendors. Contact us for further details on how specialized interviewing services can provide information for your company.

We use industry standard computerized polygraph systems using accepted examination protocols. Our examiners are members of major polygraph associations as the APA, NPA, and others. The polygraph requires the examinee have at least 7-8 hours of sleep prior to the exam, no major medical conditions, and be able to sit still during the examination. People that are even partially intoxicated, under the influence of marijuana or other drugs, will impact the results. The polygraph requires multiple sensors to be attached to the examinee and use of a specialized chair. Pregnant women, younger children, people with multiple medical devices or other physical ailments are not good polygraph subjects. Sitting still is a problem for many people, regardless of health issues. In some instances some people have no idea he or she has high blood pressure, breathing or other undiagnosed medical problems that could impact the test.

We also utilize Industry Standard VIPRE VSA (Voice Stress Analyzer) The VSA system has been the polygraph alternative in past years, and one of the reasons for it’s development. All VSA systems, and there are (5) vendors worldwide, are computer based systems. The VIPRE VSA measures a person(s) stress via the Vagus nerve which is the most reliable method of stress detection. Since not all people are medically qualified for a polygraph a VSA examination is an effective alternative. It is also effective with older adults, pregnant women and select minors. The VIPRE VSA is the only VSA system that has not been sued for fraud, negligence, product liability in state or federal court, or subject to negative newspaper and blog articles circulating on the internet. VSA examinations are also referred to as Computer Voice Stress Tests.

The Converus Eye Detect System is the newest and most revolutionary credibility assessment technology. It was developed by the original developers of the computerized polygraph. The Brain & Eyes respond to Deception. The greater the consequences of the lie, the greater the cognitive load in his/her Brain, and this has a major impact on the eyes. The Eye Detect System measures changes in Pupil diameter, Eye Movement, Reading Behavior, Eye Blinks, Fixations, and other key areas. Using an infrared Camera and Complex Algorithm, his/her credibility score is calculated as either Truthful or Deceptive. The examinee must have good eyes for the exam to be effective.

We provide lie detection-truth verification services in Florida to a wide range of companies, professionals, and government, where applicable. We can help you document the facts and uncover the truth using the same credibility assessment technologies used by LE Agencies, U.S. Government, & Security Agencies. The extensive list below represents the type of tests we have conducted over the years.

Criminal Justice Associates utilizes Computerized Polygraph, VIPRE VSA (Voice Stress Analyzer) and the Converus Eye Detect System in major Florida cities. We conduct all polygraph, VSA (Voice Stress Examinations) & Eye Detect examinations in accordance with state and federal laws. Our examiners are certified in the respective credibility assessment technologies. All Employee Theft exams are EPPA compliant. A properly structured Computerized Polygraph, VIPRE VSA, or Eye Detect examination with the right relevant questions can provide your company or profession the answers you need. Keep in mind the results of ANY lie detection-truth verification exam, regardless of method used, should be ONLY one factor in the total decision making process. Contact us for further details and to discuss your specific situation. We do NOT conduct marriage or relationship based exams.