Florida Lie Detection Expert


Criminal Justice Associates utilizes the Computerized Polygraph as one of the (3) Credibility Assessment Instruments. The polygraph was the first instrument ever used for lie detection, and has evolved over the years. The most advanced and reliable computerized polygraph systems are manufactured by Lafayette, Stoelting, Limestone, and Axciton. The computerized polygraph is used by all levels of traditional law enforcement, U.S. Military, and many foreign governments. A polygraph, sometimes called a lie detector, measures and records physiological indices to include blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity, and while the subject is being asked a series of questions. The base premise of the polygraph is that Deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with non deceptive answers.

The polygraph is an accurate credibility assessment tool when used by a qualified examiner. Our firm uses well trained polygraph examiners who receive the best training. Even with that polygraph does have some limitations that can reduce the accuracy of an exam. Mixing issues in one /exam lowers accuracy as one example. This also includes examinees that have medical issues that would impact the final results. Pregnant women are out totally. The other conditions that can impact results are examinees with heart murmurs, pacemakers, and other various medical device implants, In some instances you can get poor results from examinees suffering from severe anxiety, depression, bi-polar, and borderline personalities. Medical and psychological conditions can result in a Non Conclusive Score where the Truth or Deception cannot be identified. Not to mention the company or organization paying for the exam is loses the investment in the polygraph test.

The single most objection from examinees is he or she must remain totally still during the examination. That alone can be a problem for many people. Children under 16 are not suited for a polygraph examination. In younger people it is important to have a suitability interview to determine if a young person, special needs person or other person showing visible signs of cognitive or comprehension issues. When people know he or she has to take a polygraph many of them see out anti-polygraph countermeasures information and videos posted free on the internet. There are even videos on You tube that explain how to defeat a polygraph. Note the short video which covers the A-Z basics of a polygraph examination.

What can Computerized Polygraph Exams do for my Company, Organization, or Profession?

The computerized polygraph can provide reliable and consistent truth verification for your firm, to include some of the following:

A properly structured computerized polygraph exam configured with the right questions can provide your company or profession the answers you need. Our professional opinion is the results of a polygraph test should be ONLY one factor in your total decision making process.

There are polygraph alternatives in situations where medical, psychological, and other factors exist and prevent or impair a successful polygraph test. In those cases this can be addressed by using another credibility assessment method. If you took a computerized polygraph test and FAILED or received a Non Conclusive score you have the option of being re-tested again or use an alternate method.