Criminal & Civil Lie Detection Services

Criminal Justice Associates provides a full range of criminal polygraph – VSA examinations for felony and misdemeanor crimes in Orlando FL, Tampa FL, Jacksonville FL, Miami FL, Fort Lauderdale FL, and other Florida cities. We also can provide the same service for civil cases in state and federal court as they relate to corporate disputes, intellectual property violations, maritime issues, and bankruptcy fraud as a few examples.
We interview and test adults and select age juveniles under criminal investigation or charged with a crime. Criminal lie detector & truth verification tests for crimes against persons, crimes against property, drug offenses, and probation violations. Conducting routine to complex cases in FL state and/or federal courts. We also conduct polygraph/VSA tests as to comply with court orders in regard to drug usage, substance abuse, and sex offenses.

Our staff analyst/examiners have extensive experience and have direct contacts in the local legal community. All interview and examinations are confidential. As a general rule any person(s) under an investigation or charged with a crime should retain legal counsel. The person(s) under investigation or that have been charged with a crime should discuss if a polygraph and/or VSA test would be beneficial. Personally requesting a polygraph and/or VSA test in defense of any criminal matter without legal counsel is not recommended. As one example, the results are not protected as attorney client work product.

We provide a no cost evaluation to determine if a Criminal Lie Detector-Truth Verification test is viable in the event you are charged personally or if this involves a company. We also do testing for U.S. military criminal and administrative matters. We also can test subjects again in criminal cases where the objectives were not met, or additional testing is required. In addition we can test fact witnesses or other parties to a criminal matter. In rare instances the victim of a crime offers to take polygraph and or VSA test as to prove he or she is telling the truth. False allegations are common in cases involving child custody matters and other cases where one parent or the other are trying to gain a legal advantage in court.
Our polygraph and VSA testing experts can provide the facts or uncover new information regarding a criminal and/or civil case. The results of any polygraph and/or VSA test should be just one of the steps taken in handling a state or criminal case, Criminal Justice Associates conducts criminal lie detection, polygraph/VSA examinations in major FL cities for Lawful Purposes Only. We do not conduct Criminal Lie Detection -Truth Verification exams that conflict with any existing criminal investigation by any law enforcement agency in FL and South GA. Our firm is independent and objective in terms of all of our professional activities. All Criminal Lie Detector- polygraph/VSA tests given by Criminal Justice Associates in FL & South GA are accepted on a case by case basis.

- Arson of a Residence or Business
- Burglary - Vehicle, Residence, or Business
- Clear Your Name - Criminal Allegations
- Corporate Lie Detection - Embezzlement/Theft
- Computer Crimes - Insiders & Hackers
- Credit Card Fraud - Personal or Business
- Domestic Violence - Claims & Defenses
- Drug Offenses - Unlawful and/or Prescription
- Employee Theft Cases - All EPPA Rules Apply
- Fraud & Forgery Matters
- Human Trafficking Victims
- Insurance Fraud - Personal or Business
- Juveniles involved in Criminal matters.
- Probation & Parole Violations
- Military Criminal & Admin Cases
- Polygraph Retesting where applicable
- Prescription Drug Theft and/or Usage
- Sex Crimes - Adults & Juveniles
- Victim & Witness Statement Verifications
- Violent Crimes - Homicide/Robbery