Florida Lie Detection Expert

Eye Detect Credibility Assessment Technolgy

Criminal Justice Associates utilizes the Converus Eye Detect System as one of the (3) Credibility Assessment Instruments we use. EYEDETECT is the latest technology in this area to surface in the past decade.  Eye Detect was developed by the original developer of the computerized polygraph. The management and staff of Converus are professionals to include some of the best polygraph professionals in the world today.

Unlike the Polygraph and the VSA (Voice Stress System) the Eye Detect System is a Non Interview Based Solution for the most part. Pre/post test interviews are dependent upon the examiner. The Eye Detect System removes the claims of personal bias or lack of objectivity by the examinee when he/she fails a test.  The Relevant questions as well as the testing procedures are fully explained by the Eye Detect examiner.  Once completed the exam is scored within 5 minutes. Exams can be stored and are protected with bank level security. The Eye Detect System is a first in terms of credibility assessment technology that can be acquired by a company or professional who wants to conduct lie detection or truth verification exams in house.  The extensive training and follow on experience as required with VSA (Voice Stress Analyzer) and Computerized Polygraph Examiners is not required with Eye Detect.

In using Eye Detect, versus other systems, Deception in the examinee causes subtle changes in the behavior of the human eye due to increased cognitive load. The Eye Detect System uses a High-Definition, Infrared Eye-Tracking Camera to measure these subtle changes in the HUMAN EYE, and then combines the measures in a mathematically optimal manner to detect DECEPTION.

The Eye Detect System is the best solution when you have to conduct numerous exams a day, something that is not possible for traditional polygraph exams.  The Eye Detect system is gaining traction in usage by L.E. Agencies for pre employment purposes.  Eye Detect eliminates examiner bias along with possible accusations that the examiner did not like him or her or wanted to Fail them.

Eye Detect also developed provides it’s own polygraph unit that is equivalent to the top polygraph manufacturers.
The Eye Detect System is an ideal solution for companies to use in house. It is cost effective to purchase or lease a system. Our firm can provide the assistance for a successful integration that is custom for your company.  Converus has another product that is portable called VerifEye which is used on high quality mobile phones and can conduct examinations in offices, aboard ships or an aircraft, or even in an automobile.

Why is the Converus Eye Detect a Unique Lie Detection - Truth Verification Method?

Contact us for more information on Eye Detect to include how your company or L.E. agency can benefit from this technology.